Code=200, message=, url={meetingId}

Hi @dugksl23,

Thanks for reaching out about this!

First, in regards to calling our Meetings endpoint, can you clarify whether you’re trying to create a meeting or fetch a meeting? If you’re able to share the full request URL and response, I’m happy to take a closer look.

As for editing the custom CSS in our SDK, if you don’t wish for the CSS of our SDK to affect your application’s body, you can put Zoom into its own div.

The Zoom Meeting UI is not actually attached to the body, but the css makes it seem that way because of the following styles:

#zmmtg-root {    width: 100%;    height: 100%;    position: fixed;    top: 0;    left: 0;    background-color: black;}

The Zoom Meeting UI will be rendered in the tag with the zmmtg-root id. You can place this anywhere in your project. You can also customize the css classes that are generated as well.

<div id="zmmtg-root"></div> 

You can also read more about other suggestions related to this on our Dev Forum here:

Let me know if this helps!
