Screen sharing stops after the app goes into the background

Hey @Michael_Condon ,
Initially, I have added RPSystemBroadcastPickerView as subview in my app. When I click this picker view it shows me a list of apps that can broadcast screen. I select my own app from that list and screen is shared successfully. When I click it again, it shows me a list of those apps again where my app is already selected as it is already broadcasting. I click the button of stop broadcast and it stops broadcasting successfully.
I want to bypass this selection process. I want to start and stop screen broadcast on a single button click. I tried ‘startAppShare’ and ‘stopAppShare’ methods of MobileRTCMeetingService. When I call startAppShare method, it gives indication on the web SDK that screen has been shared, but doesn’t show the shared screen. But when I call stopAppShare it stops the screen broadcasting successfully. I need help with the startAppShare method.
Waiting for your kind reply.