Active speaker canvas issue

I’m running a problem, i try to show video of active speaker it works but when I stop previous speaker’s video and start rendering current user canvas becomes empty for half second or so. Is there any solution to render next speaker’s video without gap between two video views?

client.on('active-speaker', async (payload) => {
    let userId = payload[0].userId
    if (userIdRef.current != userId &&  talkingRef.current != userId){
        if(client.getAllUser().filter((user) => { return user.userId === payload[0].userId })[0].bVideoOn) {
            let acrossVideoCanvas = document.querySelector('#videoFrameAcross')
            await mediaStreamRef.current?.stopRenderVideo(acrossVideoCanvas, talkingRef.current)
            await mediaStreamRef.current.renderVideo(acrossVideoCanvas, userId, 1280, 720, 0, 0, 2)
            talkingRef.current = userId

I try to render video on an existing canvas without stopRenderVideo then I get “INVALID_OPERATION” error with message “subscribe video counts greater than maximum size (1)”

Hey @uyaniksigma

Thanks for your feedback.

Have you enabled SharedArrayBuffer on your site?

We will improve the user experience for the scenario in the future release.


Even if i enable “SharedArrayBuffer” on my website, will it work on every browser?

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