Adding a panelist to a webinar via api can silently fail

I was sending an invalid request to the add panelists endpoint, and a 201 code was being returned, but the panelist was not being added.

The request body I sent was

  email: '',
  name: 'Mark VanLandingham' 

Instead of the correct:

  panelists: [
      email: '',
      name: 'Mark VanLandingham' 

You may want to ensure that the API is returning the correct error code when the request is invalid. This is also confusing because the response body I was sent looked like a success as well:

{ id: correct_webinar_id, updated_at: sometime }

Another issue to look into:

I sent this to the add panelist endpoint, and once again received a 201 status code without the panelist being created.

  panelists: [
      email: '',
      name: '' 

Hey @markvanlan,

Thanks for sharing these bugs. We will work on fixing the error codes and responses. (ZOOM-132994)


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Hey @markvanlan,

We were unable to reproduce the issue. If you set the object incorrectly, you will receive a 300 error with an invalid object message.
