Android crashes with sharing screen

java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.ta3lom.kdraty/com.zipow.videobox.ConfActivityNormal}: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #28 in com.ta3lom.kdraty:layout/zm_conf_main_screen: Binary XML file line #286 in com.ta3lom.kdraty:layout/zm_confview: Error inflating class com.zipow.videobox.confapp.meeting.confhelper.ZmShareCameraBtn

Which Android Meeting SDK version?
I used zoom SDK version
also, I tried the latest version of zoom SDK and got the same error

To Reproduce(If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
simply SDK is initialized normally without getting any error
The meeting already started and I try to join as a normal member
App crash before showing any view of the zoom
Use the default zoom view no custom views at all

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • Device: [One pluse 6t]
  • OS: [Android 11]

Additional context
I tried to add zm_confview to my app and hash the ZmShareCameraBtn view it works fine but needed to hash rc_float_view and rc_mouse

but I got the java.lang.ClassCastException: android.view.ContextThemeWrapper cannot be cast to

if host started share screen app crash from my mobile side


Hi @ahmedsharfe94, thanks for using our SDK.

Sorry to hear you’re running into a crash. It seems like you’re trying to use the SDK’s UI components directly in your app. These are actually meant to be used internally by the SDK and should not be used directly. The SDK will start its MeetingActivity instance automatically once you join a meeting, so if you are using the default UI there is no setup required.


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