Android SDK unexpected minimizeMeeting functionality (exits the app)

I’ve been working with the android and iOS SDK. More specifically and recently - on minimizing video calls.
I am currently developing a react native application and have been using a react native bridge to integrate the native SDKs. On Android I am using the enableMinimize method to allow a user to minimize the video call. Upon clicking “minimize meeting” - the call does successfully minimize but it also exits out of my react native app and goes to the android home screen. Is this something I can somehow prevent? Why would it take over the app and exit to minimize the video call?
I don’t receive an error in the logs, so I assume it may be built in to behave this way. However it is not an ideal user experience to have them kicked out of the app. Any guidance on how I can make it so the android SDK does not exit the app and simply minimizes would be greatly appreciated.

On iOS there is an existing minimizeMeeting method that actually allows for me to dynamically minimize the call for the user (not just enable the user to minimize). I wanted to double check that this is not an available feature on android without using the custom UI. In iOS it does not exit the react native application like android does.

Which Android Video SDK version?
Latest - v5.4.3.613


Android current functionality (not working as expected)

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • Device: Pixel 5
  • OS: Android 11

Hi @frida, thanks for using the dev forum.

Please note that I have moved this post over to the #mobile-client-sdk:android category as your question appears to be related to the Client SDK. :slightly_smiling_face:

In order to get more control over the behavior of the minimized meeting, you would need to implement a custom meeting UI.

Also, there is currently no way to programmatically minimize the meeting, but we can submit a feature request and investigate adding this in a future release.


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Also, there is currently no way to programmatically minimize the meeting, but we can submit a feature request and investigate adding this in a future release.

Thanks! It would be great to have this feature on a future release.

As far as implementing the minimization with the custom meeting UI, is there more information you (or anyone) can give me on why the call to minimize exits my application and how I could potentially prevent that?

Hi @frida,

why the call to minimize exits my application and how I could potentially prevent that?

Can you please provide the Android version, device model, and SDK version you are seeing this behavior on?


Surely, here you go!
Android 11.0
Pixel 3 (Emulator, full name: Pixel_3a_API_30_x86)
SDK - Latest: v5.4.3.613

Hi @frida,

I have not been able to reproduce the behavior you are describing on any device, including the emulator. Can you try reproducing with the sample app and let me know if you are seeing the app close still?


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