Angular Error - av/1508_js_media.min.js Cannot destructure property 'mappings' of 'map' as it is null

Hi All,

Trying to get the @zoom1234/websdk to work in an Angular12 project. When I run ‘ng serve -o’ I run into several errors.

Error: Optimization error [node_modules/@zoomus/websdk/dist/lib/av/1508_js_media.min.js]: TypeError: Cannot destructure property ‘mappings’ of ‘map’ as it is null.

SDK version 1.98
Angular: 12.2.0

Hey @stuart_b,

Thank you for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum. Have you had a chance to reference our Sample Angular App? I would test with that and reference the code to see if you can spot a difference in how the dependencies are imported.

Let me know if that helps.


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