API Integration for fetching cloud recording, chat history and transcript through Zoom Events API

I want to fetch the cloud recording, chat history and transcripts through API integration for sessions created on my Zoom Events platform. Is it possible and which API should we use for the same? I am unable to find the appropriate API documentation for it

Hi @sharvani.rai01 ,

We cannot get recordings from Zoom Events sessions via API at this time. Here is what is possible: Zoom Events API

Any meeting created on Zoom Events also has a meeting ID. Can I use this meeting ID and the Zoom meeting API to fetch the cloud recording, transcripts and chat history? Is there any way through which I can fetch these onto my own platform after creating different sessions on the Events platform?

Hi @sharvani.rai01 , you can try with the meeting id, but it is not officially documented so there may be unexpected behavior.

For example, there is no specific scope that accounts for the logic rules for cloud recordings via Zoom Events where there isn’t a traditional host and meetings/webinar being generated directly for that user-account. Sometimes there may be multiple hosts and the event is being generated from a hub with multiple owners and multiple hosts.

When you try it, please share the conditions of your event set up. E.x. one of the host with admin permissions on the Zoom account with Cloud Recording scope’d access token querying the cloud recording endpoints with the meeting id.