App submission stuck

We have submitted App for Approval for the first time more than 4+ weeks ago. We had a couple of almost instant (up to 2 days) reviews from Marketplace Team, and were rapidly fixing all the issues were found.

The last submission was made 2 weeks ago, and as I can see in the app console all the threads were opened last time are marked as solved, but the App is still in “Waiting for Zoom approval” status.

Hi @nisha-conote ,

There may be some delay due to recent U.S. holidays and team members being out. Please allow some more time and follow up if there is no movement in the following 2 weeks.


Is there anyway we can speed up the process? This is the one blocker we have to release ; which we had planned for in one week!!



Hi @nisha-conote ,

Unfortunately we cannot expedite the process. The app submission team is doing their best to review the entire volume of apps looking to get published on the marketplace. Thank you for your patience!

There should be comment and communicate with the review team via your submission on Marketplace if needed.