Are there any plans to enable share screen using mobile devices?

Right know I’m working in a Video Session project, I thought Zoom would be a nice option, but I realized late that it doesn’t support screen share from mobiles and tablest, is there any plans to upgrade to a version where they are supported?
If there is no plans yet, do you know a workaround I can take to enable this?
The IOs and Android option could be a solution, but it will take time to build those applications, so I would prefer to keep it using the web sdk if possible
As I wouldn’t want to migrate from Zoom to another option as we did that before migrating from Twilio to Zoom
I would appreciate the help a lot, thanks

Hey @luis.sanchez

Thanks for your feedback.

The Screen Share feature relies on the browser’s getDisplayMedia capability, which is currently not supported on mobile devices.


Got it, I see this is not an issue about Zoom, but it’s an issue about the current technology.
And it looks like other video session will come with the same thing
The only thing I was curious about is that we are making a migration from Twilio to Zoom, in our project we wanted to share the content of a Whiteboard (a canvas element) from our tablet to our users, and this was possible sending the binary data from the canvas in an stream to another users, so they can render that data in their own canvas, do you know if this is possible to implement using the zoom features?
Or if there is a plan to implement sending data in streams like this? (I see there is the command channel, but its limitted to a short text, so this feature would be different)

This is how it worked before on Twilio:

const stream = canvas_ref.captureStream();
video_ref.srcObject = stream;
const source = stream.getTracks()[0];

track_v = new Twilio.Video.LocalVideoTrack(source, { name: 'canvas' });

Docs from Twilio:

Hey @luis.sanchez

Thank you for sharing your use case with us.

The MediaStreamTrack as a video source feature is currently under development. Please stay tuned for updates.
