Audio auto enabled or automatically connecting

Hello Tommy,

I’m angular developer and I want set auto enabled or automatically start computer audio on meeting join successfully. so please help me if any solutions are available.

thank you!

Hey @spatel70666,

At the moment, the only way to set the audio option automatically is through your Zoom app settings:

(Or, from the settings object when creating a meeting via API).

However, to be able to do this through the Web SDK without clicking is a great suggestion. If you’re so inclined, I’d recommend posting this in our #feature-requests channel as well.


+1 to automatic computer audio start for the Web SDK from me.
I need it to start the playback without user’s action, as I use the Zoom Web SDK app on a device which does not have any input controllers for the users, it’s just an automated screen display.
Currently, I fake the click by running some scripts and setting the browser in a mode which allows to run the audio without user’s input.

I hope you will give high priority to my suggestion.
Thank you will.

Hey @jerzy, @spatel70666,

For the browser to prompt the user to allow their microphone, there needs to be a user action, hence why we have the “Join with computer audio” button.

Currently there is no built in way with the Web SDK to default Joining the meeting/webinar with Computer Audio.


I think the idea was for if you have already given Zoom permission in that browser on that device (e.g. setting to always allow for

Hey @matthew.benedict.1,

Gotcha, that is how the browser handles it. :slight_smile:


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