Calls Zoom's API


I want to create CRUD in PHP with the help of the Zoom APIs which will create the meeting, modify and delete.

I have already tested the Zoom APIs with Postman, there is some request that does not work because I get the error message. I am trying to solve this problem with the help of this topic that I created in the forum.

I followed this tutorial to learn how to use Zoom APIs, then I followed this tutorial to make server side API calls using the JWT.

I would like to know how to get and display the information for example list meetings in normal format, but not in json format, because by following different tutorials when I made calls to API Zoom I had obtained the results in format json for example :

    "page_size": 30,
    "total_records": 9,
    "next_page_token": "",
    "meetings": [

Thank you in advance for your answers.

Hey @epenyblaise,

Thank you for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum. I followed up with you in our other thread, let’s keep our investigation there when it comes to using Postman.

Can you elaborate on what you mean by normal format? Can you send a screenshot of that?

Also, this question seems better suited for our API and Webhooks category so I’ll move this over there.


Hi @MaxM ,

When I made a call to the API Zoom List meetings in my browser the list is displayed in format json :

    "page_size": 30,
    "total_records": 9,
    "next_page_token": "",
    "meetings": [
            "uuid": "gPgIWTW0ScGalQRvL1AVxQ==",
            "id": 75041785289,
            "host_id": "KTQL1EIuR32vayvYr6uMzg",
            "topic": "Test",
            "type": 2,
            "start_time": "2021-06-03T10:00:00Z",
            "duration": 30,
            "timezone": "Europe/Paris",
            "created_at": "2021-06-03T09:52:52Z",
            "join_url": ""

I would like to display a list meeting in normal format for example like this:

Topic : Test
Duration : 30 min
id : 75041785289

Hey @epenyblaise,

Using Postman is really best for testing APIs. If you wanted to manipulate the data, display it on a web page or insert it into a database you would want to involve a programming language.

This means you would make a request with the programming language and then use logic to reformat the data as needed. Here’s a guide on consuming REST APIs with Python:

I hope that helps!


Hey @MaxM ,

Okay, I’m going to follow this tutorial, but I wanted to know is it possible to do it with PHP or should it be done only with Python?

Thank you for responding to this topic.


Hey @MaxM,

I am using PyCharm to code to make a call to the API. I have a problem when pressing the green button to retrieve data from the API, but I get errors.

Should I use PyCharm software to code in Python?

Because I am not used to coding with Python programming languages, but rather I code with PHP.


Hey @epenyblaise,

If you would rather use PHP you can absolutely use that. I only suggested Python because it’s a good language to start with if you didn’t have a preference. PHP will work well but I don’t have any code examples to share with that unfortunately.

You should be able to find a guide online though:


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