Can’t find "the input password"'s source code


After I click the “Join Meeting” button,It ask me to input the password.
I can’t find where the input the password’s source code is.
Infact I want to set the password in the source code.
Anyone can help me ?

I refer this link and build this SDK in android studio.
now I want to custom this password input diaglog.
but I can’t find this input diaglog’s code.

Which version?
The latest version of zoom sdk

Hi @jiangmy,

Thanks for the post. The dialog here is not customizable. However, whenever the meeting requires a password, you could:

  1. Pass the password while joining a meeting:
  2. If the password is incorrect, it will first trigger the callback onMeetingNeedPasswordOrDisplayName(, you could implement your own dialog to get the password and pass to the InMeetingEventHandler.
  3. If the above callback is not handled, the dialog shown in the screenshot will pop-up.

Hope this helps. Thanks!