Can't use the demo App

I am facing a new problem now.

Also, The new demo app has no response while I click on any button except “Join a meeting”, but after I have entered the meeting no. and PWD.

I created object
MobileRTCMeetingStartParam4WithoutLoginUser * user = [[MobileRTCMeetingStartParam4WithoutLoginUser alloc]init] ;

But In the new version( MobileRTC Version: 5.7.1 (644)) the userToken param is missing.

While I click on the button, there are no responses (no console log or error).

  • Device: iPad, pro, air
  • OS: iPadOS 13-15

Hey @lemon97213,

Thanks for using the dev forum!

Instead of “userToken” can you try “zak”?


Hello @Michael_Condon ,

I tried to remove the userToken, and found that the app is still able to build. But while I entered the meeting number and password, and clicked the ok button, it still did nothing happened.

Hey @lemon97213,

Did you provide a domain and JWT to the app?



Yes, i followed every step in the

Hey @lemon97213,

Are you trying to start a new meeting or join an existing meeting?


The “Meeting Now” button is not functioning, nothing happens while I press it.
and if I click on the join meeting button, it pops up an alert and asks to enter the meeting ID and PW, but nothing happens after that.

Hey @lemon97213,

The meet now button will not do anything unless the user signs in. You can sign in through the settings view. If joining the meeting does nothing, it is likely that there is an issue with the JWT. I would follow the tutorial here to create a new JWT:


Hello @Michael_Condon

I think that might not be related to the jwt problem since if the jwt is wrong, It will pop up an alert as below.

But i will try to regenerate a new one see what we will get. Thank you so much.

Hello @Michael_Condon

I had tried to recreate the JWT, but still, have the same issue. And you mention the setting view, but only the join meeting button is clickable, other buttons have no respon.

And I am sure that the jwt is right because I am using it in the other app which is working fine.

Hey @lemon97213,

The setting view is displayed once you click the gear icon in the top right corner.


please check the video

Hey @lemon97213,

I am not able to reproduce this same issue. Lets start over and walk through this together.

  1. Re-download the SDK package from Zoom marketplace, download the latest version.
  2. Unzip the folder and open the MobileRTCSample xcodeproject.
  3. Open AppDelegate.h and replace the top constants with this:
#define KjwtToken    @"your JWT Here"
#define kSDKDomain   @""
  1. Provide your provisioning profile in the signing and capabilities section.
  2. In SDKInitPresenter.m replace the appGroupID place holder on line 38 with:
    context.appGroupId = @"";
  1. In AppDelegate.m, replace the code on line 81 with:
    if ([[url scheme] isEqualToString:@""] && [self isSSOLoginURL:url]) {
  1. Build and run the application
  2. When the app lands on the main view, click the settings button in the top right corner, then click “Sign in”.
  3. Select “Login with email”, then provide a valid Zoom email and password
  4. Wait a few seconds
  5. Click Meet Now → select Zoom Meeting
  6. The meeting UI should now present.


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