Capture End Meeting event & Set time duration to cancel the meeting

Hi Team,

We have integrated zoom meeting using Web SDK in our website. We have the following queries:

  1. How to implement the “duration” feature so that meeting should be cancelled automatically after the speified duration?

  2. HOw can we capture “End Meeting” for host and “Leave Meeting” event for Attendee in the javascript function?

Any help would be highly appreciated.

Kind Regards,

Aman Dange

You can use a timer to automatically end the meeting after a specified duration. This can be achieved by setting a countdown timer when the meeting starts and programmatically ending the meeting once the timer expires.

The Zoom Web SDK provides event listeners that can capture different meeting statuses. You can utilize these listeners to detect when the host ends the meeting or when an attendee leaves. These events can then trigger corresponding functions to handle the required actions.

I hope this helps!