Change "Invitation Email to Panelists" from API

Is there no way to disable “Invitation Email to Panelists” from the API?

If this facility in the API is not provided, I could get there by being able to create webinars via templates from the API, but that too appears to be unsupported.

Hey @flippyhead,

You can disable / edit the invitation to panelists in the webinar settings, or the account settings on the Zoom Web Portal.


Right the problem is that it cannot be done via the API which means if I want to add panelists to a webinar via the API the only way to avoid them being sent an email is to:

  1. create the webinar without panelists (via the API)
  2. MANUALLY go into every webinar and change this setting
  3. add panelists to the previously created webinars

Hey @flippyhead,

As of now, yes that is correct.

However, turning off the emails at the account level like I mentioned above will disable all panelist email invites.


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I completely had missed that. Thank you!

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@Tommy is there a way likewise to disable the QA by default?

Happy to help @flippyhead! :slight_smile:

