Change video orientation on react-web and android sdk

Hey @balajisunku

If you don’t want the video to be cropped, it’s better to use the method I mentioned above.


Hi @vic.yang … Thanks for the quick response. I am having trouble to merge the code changes you mentioned above… May i know if you had incorporated these changes in the latest sample project? so that I will try to pull the latest

Also, when I said the video is being cropped on android, I am talking about the Android Native version which is in Java. Not the android web browser. Please let me know if you would like to change the solution based on that.

Hey @balajisunku

Yes, we have already updated our sample app on GitHub.

Regarding the implementation on the Android Native, I’m not an expert in that. Perhaps @chunsiong.zoom could assist you with it.


Hi @vic.yang
I was able to see the issue was solved in the latest react-web app. Have a few observations as following.

  1. Now the behaviour is fundamentally correct. i.e the preview we see on the react-web side is completely seen on the android side.
  2. No changes were required on the android since it is consuming the original resolution by default.
  3. But the video is not shown in full screen on android. I understand this is due to the aspect ratio and centre cropping will cut off the edges. wondering the same problem must be there for whatsapp video calling but never noticed it showing a non-full screen remote view.

Thanks for resolving it and your attention to this problem… it really made a significant change to my product :slight_smile:

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