Create Consistent Meeting ID For HOST & Attendee

In our HEALTHCARE application, the Zoom API was integrated in 2018 using the Pro account. This functionality is utilized to create meetings between patients and doctors for each visit. Currently, we generate instant meeting URLs for each visit, but we require a consistent meeting ID for each doctor-patient interaction, specific to each visit. However, I haven’t been able to locate any valid documentation supporting the generation of a meeting ID with the provided payload in the Zoom API. Can you assist with this?

Sample payload

Custom meeting ID


Payload for creating a meeting with custom meeting ID

data = {
‘topic’: meeting_topic,
‘start_time’: start_time,
‘duration’: duration,
‘timezone’: timezone,
‘settings’: {
‘join_before_host’: True, # Allow participants to join before the host
‘mute_upon_entry’: True # Automatically mute participants upon entry
‘id’: meeting_id # This is not working

Please share your thoughts as soon as possible. Our valuable clients are eagerly awaiting this enhancement to maintain the same link for the same appointment.

Reference number: My Request - TS0978975