Creating meeting and join functionality in reactjs using VideoSDK?

I want to create a application using VideoSDK where a user can create a meeting by giving sessionkey and password and people can also join that same session as well.
Got reference from Zoom Youtube page i.e.

But here the developer has done it for Andriod application using Java.
Is there any github repo for reactjs application?

Hi @Debabrata47
Thanks for reaching out to us!
Here is a link to one of our Video SDK sample apps are available on Github

Hi @elisa.zoom
I have gone through the repo you provided earlier.
Actually my query was in the video i have shared above it was published in official Zoom Youtube channel where the developer has created functions of creating a meeting by taking input in the application interface and join the same meeting through Join button using Video SDK .So is there implementation of same in reactjs or for web??

Hello @chunsiong.zoom ,any help or insights please!

@Debabrata47 this is beyond the scope of the developer forum. For custom features which you will need in your application (outside of the SDK), you will need to implement that yourself. Alternatively you might want to seek out professional SI who might be able to help you with that too.

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