Deactivation URL via MS Power Automate

As part of the application submission to the marketplace, we need to provide a Deauthorization URL.
We are considering adding the Deauthorazation URL via Power Automate (originally MS Flow).

Would that be a sound approach?

Our concern is wether we would need to go through the application re-submission process again if we need to change the Deauthorization URL in the future.

Thank you in advance!


Hello @avdovyn your welcome to use whichever option you feel comfortable with, we do not have any preferences in that regard, When you need to make that change after your app is Published you will go through the Update request process: Updating an App

Regards, Kwaku

Got it,
Thank you, Kwaku.

And if we need to update the Deactivation URL, only this components will be reviewed and the whole app, right?



We review the changes

Regards, Kwaku