Detect BO inviter id or name

macOS Zoom client displays an inviter name when host/co-host inviting the participant to the breakout room.

Is it possible to detect an inviter id or name using macOS Meeting SDK?
Maybe it’s a elementary question, but looking through the whole ZoomSDKNewBreakoutRoomController.h I couldn’t get the answer.

By the way, when I receives the invitation to the Main Session I can know the inviter name:
-(void)onHostInviteReturnToMainSession:(NSString*)userName handler:(ZoomSDKBOMeetingReturnToMainSessionHandler*)handler;

Thank you!

Hi @anton.yereshchenko,

I don’t think it is possible to access this information through the SDK currently. We can definitely pursue a feature request to see if we can match the default UI’s functionality. I’ll follow up on this internally and let you know once there are any updates.


Hi @jon.zoom ,

thank you! it would be super :slight_smile:

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