Documentation and developer support is limited for the Meeting SDK Electron wrapper?

When was this statement released, why was it released, what is the corresponding detailed meaning (whether there is a change in Zoom’s internal resource allocation or iteration cycle), it is not recommended now, and whether there will be longer-term plans or suggestions in the future?

Does no one pay attention to the topics related to Electron SDK?

According to the document description, are we going to be abandoned?

Does your company’s Electron technical staff not read forums?

Hi @y_wen , thank you for your patience. I did some digging as well and am reaching out to get more information.

Hi Gianni, thank you for your response and for looking into this. I appreciate your help and I look forward to hearing back from you soon. :smiley:

@y_wen There is no plan to drop support for the Electron wrapper. For the best experience, we still recommend using the native SDKs though.

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Thank you Shariq. Thank you for your recommend. :heart:

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