Hi, I have been trying to get oauth access token from a server with PHP but I always get 403 error.
I saw other similar post but they seem to have been resolved by private message or using Content-Type: application/json.
Thank you for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum. Are you able to make this request successfully when using a REST client to handle the OAuth flow, such as Postman? I would also make sure that you are including a redirect_uri as listed in the OAuth documentation.
While this may not be exactly related, you may also want to pass headers as an array instead of a string:
Hi @MaxM, I get the same error passing redirect_uri, now I can see that the reason is “Redirect URI mismatch” but the answer is the same with any redirect_uri even if it is on my whitelist or in the “Redirect URL for OAuth” field.
Thank you for the update. When you’re testing this locally, are you using a port other than 80 or 443? If so, please try adding the port that you’re using to the whitelist.
I did a bit more digging into this and it looks like this is a known issue for URLs that are not publicly accessible. Please see the following forum post for more information on this:
It looks like you’re doing everything right, the only advice I have to offer is to make sure that you’re updating the whitelist/redirect URL each time you restart your ngrok server as it does change on each server restart. If that doesn’t help, I’ve DM’d you a tool to schedule a meeting so we can investigate this over Zoom.