Get Notified When a User's Active Audio Changes method for iOS

I want to detect that when the user starts speaking and in android onActiveSpeakerVideoUserChanged() this callback is available for this purpose but in iOS i’m unable to find any callback listener


Hey @hamzasaeed424,

Thanks for using the dev forum!

The callback onSinkMeetingActiveVideo will be triggered with the active speaker video status changes. This should be equivalent to the Android callback you mentioned.


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Hi @Michael_Condon,

Thanks for Giving an Answer!

So basically i want to detect when the user starts speaking so for this callback will use onSinkMeetingActiveVideo? Or any other callback like i got this callback while doing R&D
onUserActiveAudioChanged so i can say onSinkMeetingActiveVideo is equivalent to previous method?


Hi @hamzasaeed424,

Correct, you can use onSinkMeetingActiveVideo for this. As Michael pointed out, this callback is invoked whenever the user who is currently visible in the active speaker view changes.


Basically you are right for this but my question is different that i want to know who is is talking

Hey @hamzasaeed424,

I see, if you want to know who is talking (as in the person who’s mic is making noise), onSinkMeetingAudioStatusChange: will fire when either the user begins speaking, or when a user stops speaking. To check which, you can use the isTalking function in MobileRTCAudioStatus.

So if user A was unmuted, but not speaking, then said something, this callback would be triggered. Then when user A is done saying something, this callback is triggered again.


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