Get only upcoming Webinars

I can’t seem to find the answer to this anywhere (checked the forums, checked documentation, check zooms github repos for possible uses, etc.). Is there a way to retrieve only upcoming webinars? I am using the /v2/users/{userId}/webinars endpoint but it doesn’t look like there is an option to only return upcoming webinars.

Even an order by parameter would be helpful since I would be able to put the upcoming webinars at the top and could loop through them and get the webinars with a date in the future (not ideal but would work). Right now, it looks like it is returning them in ascending order which won’t really make the looping through for future dates scalable since the more “past” webinars we have, the more pages/items I’ll need loop through to get the upcoming.

If there is a way to return ONLY upcoming webinars, that would be ideal, but I would settle for just being able to change the order to be descending.

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Hi Garth, 

Currently, our API doesen’t have the ability to get only upcoming webinars or sort them in order. I’ll reach out to out Engineering team to see if we can have this in place for a future release to make it easier for developers. 


Yup, faced with this issue myself as integrating with our website and linking to a Google Calendar and only want to get “live”/“upcoming” webinars.  Curious that it’s not an option since it is with Meetings.

I have the same requirement where I just need upcoming webinars

Hi @kermit,

We’re tentatively looking to have upcoming webinars sometime Q3 of this year.


Any news here?

Same issue, Q3 2019 is long past and I cannot find an API to get only upcoming events.

It can’t be that hard. Make a new endpoint.

Hey @pgtaboada,

Right now you must use the Get Users Webinars endpoint to get upcoming webinars. We have designed this to be at the user level, and not the account level.

You could implement a solution/endpoint on your end using the Webinar Created Webhook. Just save all the webinars that are created in a db so you can query them based on your use case.


Hi Tommy,

I am in fact using the /users/{userId}/webinars endpoint,
and I am getting past and upcoming webinars.

The point is: as times goes by, I will have to load more and more past webinars to get the upcoming.

Hey @pgtaboada,

Not sure what you mean by that, please clarify.


the thread is about “only upcoming webinars”. not all of them.

the API delivers ALL webinars, not only the upcoming.

we (here in the thread) would like to get only the upcoming.

why? because I will endup loading hundreds of webinars just to get the few ones that are upcoming.



Hey @pgtaboada,

I will add this as a feature request, an account level upcoming webinar endpoint. (ZOOM-148617)


It would be enough to have it on a user level. Whatever suits you!

Hey @pgtaboada,

We already have it though, on the user level :wink:


nope. delivers past webinars aswell.

Hey @pgtaboada,

Can you try passing in the ?type=upcoming or ?type=scheduled query param?

If that does not work I will add the filter as a feature request.


neither one changed the result.


Thanks for trying @pgtaboada,

I have added this as a feature request and will keep you updated. (ZOOM-149144)


@tommy I would like to request this feature as well. I understand that the endpoint is designed for users, but that doesn’t have any bearing on the request. I don’t want to sift through pages of past webinars to be able to get to something that can actually be registered for and viewed.

What is the timeline for this feature to be implemented at this point?


Hey @jonathan.wirth,

Thanks for your interest. No current timeline.
