Get Past Meeting Participants returning "Meeting does not exist" error

I am trying to retrieve meeting participant list using GET /past_meetings/{meetingUUID}/participant API and keep receiving error. I saw forum item (Meeting does not exist: in zoom – Meeting does not exist: in zoom /past_meetings/{meetingUUID}/participants api) and looked at status of meeting and it showed “status”: “waiting”…and so used PUT /meetings/:meetingId/status API to update status and received 204 status…but status of meeting shows same…is this what is prevent meeting from being found using /past_meetings/{meetingUUID}/participant API?

“code”: 3001,
“message”: “Meeting does not exist: dOAWXKFlS4+4lZzf1KkVUA==.”

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?
using user OAuth

Which Endpoint/s?
GET /past_meetings/{meetingUUID}/participants

the meetingID is *********** and the meetingUUID is “dOAWXKFlS4+4lZzf1KkVUA==”

*This post has been edited to remove any meeting / webinar IDs

it seems that the API documentation…

GET /past_meetings/{meetingUUID}/participants

Retrieve information on participants from a past meeting.
Scopes: meeting:read:admin meeting:read

Note : Please double encode your UUID when using this API if the UUID begins with a '/'or contains ‘//’ in it.

is not correct…and that need to use meetingID and not meetingUUID

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Hey @sabraha5,

Did your meeting have more than one participant? If only the host was in the meeting, the meeting won’t be considered a meeting that happened, and will lead to that endpoint not returning a meeting and participants.


hey @tommy…really appreciate you replying! i am able to get results from using the meetingID…
“page_count”: 1,
“page_size”: 30,
“total_records”: 2,
“next_page_token”: “”,
“participants”: [
“id”: “8MDT6TttSvSaJS8bQ7BhDw”,
“name”: “xxxxx xxxxx”,
“user_email”: “
“id”: “yGYhnU_XTk2XAJdE2mJ3vA”,
“name”: “xxxx xxxx”,
“user_email”: “

and so I know there were participants but when i use the meetingUUID I get an error…
“code”: 3001,
“message”: “Meeting does not exist: ljHTlQk8Tkah+q7GSu8Rrg==.”

I received an email from @michael.zoom stating “this API is intended to use Meeting UUIDs. If you use the Meeting ID, it will return the most recent instance of the meeting (the most recent UUID)” and that makes sense…I just can’t get the /past_meetings API working with meetingUUID

Hey @sabraha5,

The issue is you are not using the correct meetingUUID. :slight_smile:

After the meeting starts, a new meetingUUID is generated for that instance of the meeting. Try getting the updated meeting UUID from the list ended meeting instances endpoint first, and then use it to query the past meetings participants API.


hey @tommy…thank you very much for pointing out the /past_meetings/{meetingId}/instances endpoint to get accurate meetingUUID…I was using the /meetings/{meetingId} endpoint and tried use the meetingUUID that was provided…and so are you stating that meetingUUID is for the initial creation of the meeting and a new meetingUUID is generated when the meeting is ended? i was able to successfully invoke the /past_meetings/{meetingUUID}/participants endpoint based on the meetingUUID returned by the /past_meetings/{meetingId}/instances endpoint…

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Hey @sabraha5,

Happy to help! :slight_smile:

Yes, the meetingUUID upon meeting creation is for pre meeting purposes, but once the meeting starts, another meetingUUID is generated for post meeting purposes. We will make this more clear in our docs.


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This worked for me. So use the meeting id and not the uuid.

Thank you for the update, @ahavatammi ! If possible, please post the exact solution that worked for the other community members.

With Care,

I’m using postman to test out the api calls then generate c# from the call.

Using Postman to Test Zoom APIs - Postman - Guides - Documentation - Zoom Developer - Technical Documentation and Reference

@sabraha5 , you may need to take the meeting id and get a list of meetings, /past_meetings/meetingID/instances which returns a list of past meetings with their UUID to get the specific UUID for that “instance” of the meeting, if it is reoccurring.

Thanks for sharing your solution here!