Get the list of meeting invitees (not the ones who have joined) in the SDK

At present I am using the Linux SDK. I am able to get the list of people who join the meeting but am unable to get the list of invitees. Is there a way to get that ?

I tried to get the same (invitee list) from the API, got it, but now I am unable to programmatically co-relate the users between the API and the SDK, since API gives email’id and SDK does not have email id’s… so stuck still.

I need to find the list of people who were invited and those who joined so that I can find out the difference. At present I am stuck, any help is welcome.

Hi @pankn , this is by design due to our email display rules: Using Zoom APIs

It would be best to require registration from your invite list so you can access to the email address and cross-reference.

Thanks for the inputs, will work based on this.

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