Getting different times on zoom account and in API response

I am getting different times on zoom account and response
Here is my correct time 3:26 pm which is also showing same from zoom api response
Here is Zoom Api Respnse after processing the request and getting response from zoom api which is start_time and it is correct
* “uuid”:“q1PC+bqWRLCtiP19mPVYVw==”,
* “id”:***********,
* “host_id”:“DUwi9y_pQwaJjPV_y3ab1Q”,
* “topic”:“some assets”,
* “type”:2,
* “status”:“waiting”,
* “duration”:60,
* “timezone”:“Asia/Tashkent”,
* “created_at”:“2020-06-30T10:28:45Z”,
* “start_url”:“”,
* “join_url”:“”,
* “password”:“8HkrzC”,
* “h323_password”:“508432”,
* “pstn_password”:“508432”,
* “encrypted_password”:“dmNmclU0YTFtdm1zdWRRV1ZNWUl2QT09”,
* “settings”:{
* “host_video”:false,
* “participant_video”:false,
* “cn_meeting”:false,
* “in_meeting”:false,
* “join_before_host”:false,
* “mute_upon_entry”:false,
* “watermark”:false,
* “use_pmi”:false,
* “approval_type”:2,
* “audio”:“voip”,
* “auto_recording”:“none”,
* “enforce_login”:false,
* “enforce_login_domains”:"",
* “alternative_hosts”:"",
* “close_registration”:false,
* “registrants_confirmation_email”:true,
* “waiting_room”:true,
* “registrants_email_notification”:true,
* “meeting_authentication”:false}

But on my zoom Account it is showing different

Here is the relevant code:
public function createAMeeting( $data = array() ) {
$post_time = $data[‘start_date’];
$start_time = gmdate( “Y-m-d\TH:i:s”, strtotime( $post_time ) );
$createAMeetingArray = array();
if ( ! empty( $data[‘alternative_host_ids’] ) ) {
if ( count( $data[‘alternative_host_ids’] ) > 1 ) {
$alternative_host_ids = implode( “,”, $data[‘alternative_host_ids’] );
} else {
$alternative_host_ids = $data[‘alternative_host_ids’][0];
$createAMeetingArray[‘topic’] = $data[‘meetingTopic’];
$createAMeetingArray[‘agenda’] = ! empty( $data[‘agenda’] ) ? $data[‘agenda’] : “”;
$createAMeetingArray[‘type’] = ! empty( $data[‘type’] ) ? $data[‘type’] : 2; //Scheduled
$createAMeetingArray[‘start_time’] = $start_time;
$createAMeetingArray[‘timezone’] = $data[‘timezone’];
$createAMeetingArray[‘password’] = ! empty( $data[‘password’] ) ? $data[‘password’] : “”;
$createAMeetingArray[‘duration’] = ! empty( $data[‘duration’] ) ? $data[‘duration’] : 60;
$createAMeetingArray[‘settings’] = array(
‘join_before_host’ => ! empty( $data[‘join_before_host’] ) ? true : false,
‘host_video’ => ! empty( $data[‘option_host_video’] ) ? true : false,
‘participant_video’ => ! empty( $data[‘option_participants_video’] ) ? true : false,
‘mute_upon_entry’ => ! empty( $data[‘option_mute_participants’] ) ? true : false,
‘enforce_login’ => ! empty( $data[‘option_enforce_login’] ) ? true : false,
‘auto_recording’ => ! empty( $data[‘option_auto_recording’] ) ? $data[‘option_auto_recording’] : “none”,
‘alternative_hosts’ => isset( $alternative_host_ids ) ? $alternative_host_ids : “”
return $this->sendRequest($createAMeetingArray);
This is the function which i am running to create meeting
function Hellozoom($title,$md,$mt,&$resp=array()){

$z = $this->createAMeeting(
‘start_date’=>date(“Y-m-d H:i:s”, strtotime($md." ".$mt)),
} catch (Exception $ex) {
echo $ex;

*This post has been edited to remove any meeting / webinar IDs

Hey @abdullah,

I have replied to your duplicate post here:
