Getting meeting not found when trying to fetch meeting poll details

API Endpoint(s) and/or Zoom API Event(s)

** get /meetings/{meetingId}/polls

    • get /meetings/{meetingId}/polls/{pollId}

When we call the endpoint to get the polls/quizzes of a meeting, in the response, we get meeting not found. Tried with both meetingId and meetingUUID. The same thing works when using the endpoint: “/past_meetings/{meetingUUID/meetingId}/polls”

How to get the Poll details with the API under question?

How To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Log into admin Zoom account.
  2. Click on the “surveys” on the left menu and choose "Polls and Quizzes* tab and select create. Create one Poll and one Quiz.
  3. Start a meeting as an admin as host with one more participants.
  4. Launch Poll and Quiz both. Let the participant involve in them.
  5. Call the endpoint GET /meetings/{meetingId}/polls with the meetingUUID ===.

Expected Behavior
All polls should be returned as a response of get /meetings/{meetingId}/polls.

Actual Behavior
Getting error message in response - Meeting not found

Hi @martin.sommer
thanks for reaching out to us!
Have you been able to troubleshoot this on your end?

Hi @elisa.zoom , sorry for the late reply. But no, we have not been able to resolve this from our end.
We need to know how to get the poll details of a meeting using the below endpoints:

  • get /meetings/{meetingId}/polls
  • get /meetings/{meetingId}/polls/{pollId}

As provided in this documentation: Zoom Meeting API

We have tried both meetingId and meetingUUID. But for both we are getting meeting does not exist.

Hi @martin.sommer
Thanks for getting back to me
Do you have a meeting ID that you could share with me where you are getting this error, please?