Getting text alignment issue when phone language is "Arabic"

Getting text alignment issue when phone language is “Arabic”. Is anyone has a solution for this? Also it is possible to set the text alignment to the center?

Which Client iOS SDK version?

To Reproduce(If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to iPhone settings
  2. Change language to “Arabic”
  3. Start zoom meeting
  4. See an alignment issue


Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • Device: Any iPhone
  • OS: Any iOS

Additional context
I am trying to make zoom iOS SDK “Arabic” language compatable.

Hey @therapysuccess,

Thanks for using the dev forum!

After setting my device language to arabic, I did not see the same issue. Can you set your device to English US and provide a screenshot of this same screen?


Hello @Michael_Condon ,

Thank you for your reply. It’s displayed properly when I select the language to English US as it supports [“de”, “ja”, “en”, “zh-Hant”, “es”, “zh-Hans”, “it”, “ko”, “vi”, “ru”, “pt-PT”, “fr”] languages.

Here I have uploaded one GIF of the problem which I am facing. Also when clicking on “Participants” the icon position changed and it overlaps with another icon.

Bottom Options Issue

Hey @therapysuccess,

What device is that?
Can you run the MobileRTCSample application and let me know if it happens there as well?


Hello @Michael_Condon ,

GIF preview contained iPhone model is iPhone 6 Plus (But in all device i am facing same issue)

I have integrated iOS SDK for zoom meeting based on this link and i am facing this issue:

Hey @therapysuccess,

I have followed those same instructions and have not been able to reproduce. Can you try in the MobileRTCSample app?


Hey @Michael_Condon ,

I have just drag & drop below SDKs into my project from the MobileRTCSample app:

  1. MobileRTC.framework
  2. MobileRTCResources.bundle

And just start the meeting using below sample code:

func startMeeting() {

        if let meetingService = MobileRTC.shared().getMeetingService() {
            meetingService.delegate = self
            let startMeetingParameters = MobileRTCMeetingStartParam4LoginlUser()
            meetingService.startMeeting(with: startMeetingParameters)

And I am getting Zoom ready to use UI with the mentioned issue. I have not made it custom.

Hey @therapysuccess,

I understand, however it is sometimes difficult to determine if an issue is caused by the SDK or something else in a developers application. If you can reproduce this in the sample application, we will likely be able to reproduce it as well and reach a solution quickly. The other thing that would help us investigate is sending us a sample application that you built that has the issue. You can do so by attaching the project to an email to If you decide to go this route, please provide a link to this post in your email.


Hey @Michael_Condon ,

I want to convert all the text to “Arabic” (using a localizable file) then what is the best way to do it? And from where, I can get all the English text and keys of zoom SDK to convert to Arabic text?

Hey @therapysuccess,

When you download the SDK from the Zoom Marketplace, the folder will contain a sample application called MobileRTCSample. Within that application there is a file called localizable.strings in the en.lproj folder. In that file, you can change the english strings to other strings.


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