Granular Scope - issues with multiple Zoom Phone APIs

We are trying to create a OAuth app (Legacy App).

  1. Go to App Marketplace.
  2. From “Develop” menu, select “Build Legacy App”
  3. Add scopes to the app in the scope section.

All the below issues were not present in the existing apps which were created from before the introduction of the granular scopes.

API Issue #1:

  • API: GET /v2 /phone/metrics/call_logs/{call_id}
  • Documentation: Zoom Phone API
  • Description: In the documentation for this API, it is mentioned that the granular scope required is: “phone:read:call_log:admin”. However, even after adding this scope, the GET call to this API returns the error message:
    "code": 104,
    "message": "Invalid access token, does not contain scopes:[]."

So, unlike lot of other APIs, even the required scope does not get listed here.

API Issue #2:

  • API: /v2/phone/recording/download/jnAbo0NyRuCpDISvUTC3mQ
  • Documentation: No separate documentation available for this API.
  • Description: Even after adding the scopes - “phone:read:call_recording:admin” and “phone:read:call_recording”, getting the below error message. Can you help us with the right scope to be used for this endpoint call ?
    "code": 104,
    "message": "Invalid access token, does not contain scopes:[]."

So, unlike lot of other APIs, even the required scope does not get listed here.

API Issue #3:

  • API: /v2/voice_mails/download/qG-5cMoITJO29qXKFa1IgA
  • Documentation: No separate documentation available for this API.
    • Description: Even after adding the scopes - "“phone:read:voicemail:admin” and
      “phone:read:voicemail”, getting the below error message. Can you help us with the right scope to be used for this endpoint call ?
    "code": 104,
    "message": "Invalid access token, does not contain scopes:[]."

So, unlike lot of other APIs, even the required scope does not get listed here.

Can you please respond to my private message with the following info. You will see the notification for it when you click on your profile picture in the top right corner of the forum and should see a mail icon next to the notification:

  • developer email associated with app
  • client id associated with requests
  • zm-tracking-id(s) from the API response header(s)

It is working as expected now @gianni.zoom . But for some reason it was not working earlier.

Ahh okay thank you for letting me know!