How to enable Q&A on API-created meetings?

Hello, I am wondering how to enable the Q&A feature when creating a meeting via this endpoint in the API. I do not see “enable Q&A” as an argument that can be passed in, and have not found any resources on this when looking through the Zoom documentation.

The only place where I see the ability to enable Q&A on a meeting is in the Zoom interface itself.

Please let me know how I can enable this via the API when creating a meeting. Thank you!

Hi @mav_team
Thanks for reaching out to us! Sorry for the late reply here!
Have you been able to troubleshoot this on your end?

You’re right, currently, there’s no documented way to enable Q&A directly through the Zoom Meeting API for creating meetings. While the Zoom interface offers the option, the API seems limited in this aspect. There might be workarounds or future updates, so checking the Zoom developer forum for updates is recommended!

We have not found a solution to this on our end yet. We have not found any documentation in the Zoom API docs that allows us to automatically enable Q&A in meetings when creating a meeting via this endpoint.

What argument or option should we pass in to enable Q&A for API-created meetings? Thank you in advance.

Hi @mav_team
Thanks for reaching out back to us.
It looks like this feature is not enabled upon meeting creation.
You can only create Q&A via API when working with Webinars