How to get participants information from Webnars ( multiple occurance) -- in each occurrence multiple sessions

How to get participants information from Webnars ( multiple occurance) – in each occurrence multiple sessions. I need to get session level participant join and leave time , time duration? is this possible. Please guide me to correct API if it is possible.

Hi @habeebmohammad

Welcome to the Community! I am happy to help here!
Have you looked into our Dashboard Endpoints? these endpoints will allow you to query very detailed data about past webinar and participants on them.

As well as our Report endpoints:

Please, let me know if this helps!

thank you, nope, i am not new to zoom api. i could not find api to pull details of session if each occurrence of a webinar has multiple sessions how can retrieve information session level information

Hi @habeebmohammad

Thank you.
Have you tried calling the endpoint List past webinar instances, you will get an array with the different webinar uuids, associated with their own Occurrence_id.

Once you get that data, then you can call the Get webinar participants endpoint, using those uuid to query each occurrence.

Hope this helps,

Thank you for your response, Yes, i am doing that.Is it possible for each occurrence to have multiple sessions ( sub occurrences). We are having multiple days webnars, in each day webnar occurrence we have multiple sessions and we need session level participants joining time and leaving time. Is there any api for this??

Never mind i got confirmation from client that there is no further drill down in each day webnar occurrence even though user has multiple sessions through out the day participant just login in/out just once.

@habeebmohammad Thanks for the update :slight_smile:

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