How to get the recorded meeting as one video to view it on my website?

I integrated zoom web sdk to my website, but I’m facing a problem and its “the inability to get one video instead of multiple files to view it in video playlist through direct link instead of the web page” which returned by zoom api when trying to get recordings.

Hi @fasih,

Thanks for reaching out about this. To clarify, are you referring to retrieving Cloud Recordings of a meeting? If so, I should note that our GET Meeting’s Recordings endpoint returns two URLs: a download_url and a play_url.

The download_url can be used to download recording files directly. The play_url can be shared with authorized users to open the recording in their browser and play it directly.

If you need to embed the recording playback directly, we recommend first downloading the recording and uploading it to a service like Youtube or Google for embedded playback.

Let me know if this helps!

Is there any way to do this automatically and get one direct video instead of downloading the audio and video files and merge them.

because we using it for online learning classes and we have big number of classes everyday

Hi @fasih,

If you query our GET Meeting Recordings endpoint, the MP4 file that is returned within the download_files object should include audio in the video (MP4) as well.


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