I want to show Chat UI when click Chat Button at Bottom Bar

I have been building the android app with zoom sdk (custom ui).
Then, When user click the chat button, it show the participants ui, not chat ui.
In iOS version, it is working well, it show the chat ui directly.

It need to show the chat ui directly.

public void onClickChats() {
mInMeetingService.showZoomParticipantsUI(MyMeetingActivity.this, REQUEST_PLIST);

As i check the code, it call showZoomParticipantsUI.
Please let me know how to show the chat ui page in directly in Android Version.

(Zoom SDK Android 5.2.42)

Hi @harryjin9, thanks for using our SDK.

Just to make sure, you are referring to the chat button in our sample app’s custom UI, correct?


Yes, Correct. Chat Button in Sample app’s Custom UI.

Hi @harryjin9,

We are currently working on adding this feature in the sample app’s custom UI in a future release. In the meantime, please don’t hesitate to reach out if you run into any other issues with the SDK.


Hi @jon.zoom ,
Is this feature is added. as in my current implementation I want to show the chat UI directly. As in ios it is working fine, we can directly open the chat UI.


Hi @rohit.bhainwal,

The most recent version of the sample app does have chat implemented in the custom meeting UI. Please let me know if you have any additional questions regarding the implementation. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi @jon.zoom ,
Thanks for the update can you please give me the method name through which i can directly open the the UI. i don’t want to go participant list and then open the chat UI. onclick of the custom chat button i want to directly open the chat UI. so if there is any method to open the chat UI directly, that will be helpful for me.


Hi @rohit.bhainwal,

There is not yet a way to directly show the chat UI, but it will be added in the upcoming SDK release. Be sure to keep an eye on our release notes for that!
