I want to use ZoomVideoSDK via cocoa pods

I want to use ZoomVideoSDK via cocoa pods as pod ‘ZoomVideoSDK’ but it will install ScreenShare framework as well and that creating 91 compiling errors.

Can I have a pod which only install video SDK and not ScreenShare framework of zoom ?

Any update on this please?

Hi @qazi , which of these screen share methods do you currently have implemented?


Would love to have cocoapods support as well.
As a work around I download the package, add it to a private repo and use that as a submodule.

Please add support.

Hi @qazi , @rokgregoric ,

Thanks for using Video SDK. Yes, we do have Cocoapod support and you may find it here: Specs/ZoomVideoSDK.podspec.json at master · CocoaPods/Specs · GitHub

And you may install our Video SDK via Cocoapod like this:

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '9.0'

target 'ZoomVideoSample' do
  pod 'ZoomVideoSDK/ZoomVideoSDK'


target 'ZoomVideoSDKScreenShare' do
  pod 'ZoomVideoSDK/ZoomVideoSDKScreenShare'

Hope this helps!


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