Iframed Join Links Not Working With Disabled 3rd Party Cookies

I am trying to embed a zoom join link into an iframe with 3rd party cookies disabled. Reading the discussion here, suggests that as long as I am not trying to start the webinar, I should be able to embed a join url with blocked 3rd party cookies no problem. I however am getting stuck on “Joining Webinar…” with the following two console errors…


js_media.min.js:1 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to read the 'localStorage' property from 'Window': Access is denied for this document.
at Object.<anonymous> (js_media.min.js:1:14115)
at n (js_media.min.js:1:353)
at Object.<anonymous> (js_media.min.js:1:67846)
at n (js_media.min.js:1:353)
at Module.<anonymous> (js_media.min.js:1:229213)
at n (js_media.min.js:1:353)
at Object.<anonymous> (js_media.min.js:1:174272)
at n (js_media.min.js:1:353)
at Object.<anonymous> (js_media.min.js:1:174133)
at n (js_media.min.js:1:353)

Uncaught DOMException: Failed to read the 'localStorage' property from 'Window': Access is denied for this document.
at Object.<anonymous> (webclient.min.js:1:766444)
at Object.<anonymous> (webclient.min.js:1:766832)
at n (webclient.min.js:1:110)
at Object.<anonymous> (webclient.min.js:1:2123)
at n (webclient.min.js:1:110)
at Object.<anonymous> (webclient.min.js:1:10706)
at n (webclient.min.js:1:110)
at Object.<anonymous> (webclient.min.js:1:376884)
at n (webclient.min.js:1:110)
at Object.<anonymous> (webclient.min.js:1:256868)

Which Endpoint/s?
Here’s my iframe I’m using:

<iframe src="https://zoom.us/wc/MYMEETINGID/join?pwd=MYPASSWORD&prefer=1&un=MYUSERNAME&uel=MYUSEREMAIL" sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-forms allow-scripts" allow="microphone; camera; fullscreen" width="1280" height="720" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe>

Additional context
I have logged into this webinar as the host user elsewhere to start it. The above join link is primed to have someone join with a specific user name and email. The webinar is not running registration. I have additionally disabled the force zoom login for web client setting in the webinar owner’s account settings. I am getting this error on Chrome browser with 3rd party cookies disabled.

What am I missing here?

Hey @evilbert103,

It seems this issue is due to your browser local storage settings.

I suggest googling the error for a solution:

“Failed to read the ‘localStorage’ property from ‘Window’: Access is denied for this document.”
