Implementing client secret validation

print("timestamp", timestamp)
print("body", body)
message = f"v0:{timestamp}:{json.dumps(body)}"
print("!!!message", message)
return, 'utf-8'), bytes(message, 'utf-8'), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

def validate_webhook_challenge(request):
Handle a Zoom webhook challenge request.
print(“request”, request)
if request[‘httpMethod’] == “POST”:
request_data = json.loads(request[‘body’])
if “event” in request_data and request_data[“event”] == “endpoint.url_validation”:
print(“request_data”, request_data)
plain_token = request_data[“payload”][“plainToken”]
hashed_token = generate_signature(request[‘headers’][“x-zm-request-timestamp”], request_data)
response_data = {
“plainToken”: plain_token,
“encryptedToken”: hashed_token
print(“response_data”, response_data)
return json.dumps(response_data) #, 200, {“Content-Type”: “application/json”}
return “”, 200

— response is:
“{"plainToken": "y7v_f12AQa6pS0BG6TlnqQ", "encryptedToken": "f7e37e9aba1d4033c92134ae71d7d22b9ebfae69109c9dc056847c462a0b9623"}”

I also tried without json.dumps in the end.

Hi @tomeriko
Thanks for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum.
Have you been able to troubleshoot this error or do you still need assistance?

I still need assistance. What is the exact format Zoom expects?
Do you have some sample code in python?

Hi @tomeriko
Unfortunately, we do not have a sample app in python.

Here is the sample app that is available

Hope this helps,