Installing sample-app-web gives error

The issue only seems to occur with Linux based systems. I can run it fine on my windows machine but it fails on Linux. Is there any official fix yet?

Hey @gautamsharma2590,

This will be addressed in a future release. Thanks again for raising this with us!


Hey @gautamsharma2590, @ZoomFan, @roger, @smadamshetty, @emadridm, @s6pamend, @damian.owerko,

The start script is now fixed in the sample app! :slight_smile:


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Hello, around here I have exactly the same problem, did you manage to fix it?

Hey @dav-q,

Thank you for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum. Please submit a new topic and fill out the post template so that we have enough information to assist.

In that topic, please also include the version of Ubuntu, NPM and the Zoom Web SDK that you are using when you see this.

I’ll investigate further with that information.
