SDK 1.7.4 Sample app not able to join a webinar

By following this link GitHub - zoom/meetingsdk-web-sample: Zoom Meeting SDK web sample, i have clone source and then configure API_KEY and API_SECRET in index.js(project/Local/js) also added user email and password.

Following this link Sample-web-app npm run start issue, i had also installed http-server in local environment.

When i run the command http-server in local it gives below output is the top section of screen

When we click on join button it doesn’t generate any action it only append form data in url as shown in botom section of screen

Version: 1.7.4.

Hey @salman.hubilo,

Are you seeing an errors in the browser console?


hi @tommy,

You can check the console error which are generated in both,

  1. In browser console
  2. in Local Terminal


Hi @salman.hubilo

Within the sample web app local folder, did you do a npm install to make sure the node modules are installed?


Hi @michael_p.zoom,

Yes definately, i have installed npm packages, but i was not able to run the app through “npm start”, so i followed instruction of this thread “Sample-web-app npm run start issue” and installed http-server globally.

After it, i start app through “http-server” command.


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Hey @salman.hubilo,

Were you able to get it running via http-server?
