Instant meeting ID in oAuth

I’m writing oAuth app and I would like to know if there is a way to get instant meeting id?

  1. I’m creating a meeting from zoom app (not using personal meeting).
  2. I’m firing app web app that can get id of that meeting.

I was thinking that I could use /users/me/mettings?type=live but it seems it doesn’t return instant meetings. Is there any way to actually get id of the live meeting I’m currently in from the oAuth app?

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?

Which Endpoint/s?

Hey @bartlomiej.buczek,

You can get live meetings with the Get dashboard meeting endpoint, or meeting started webhook.


Hi @tommy.
Isn’t the Get dashboard meeting endpoint a part of JWT app?
I’m trying to have oAuth app so that user can get his instant meeting id by himself. Is it possible with zoom API and oAuth app?

Hey @bartlomiej.buczek,

Gotcha, thanks for the clarification, let me know if my post here answers your question:


Hi @tommy.
Almost :slight_smile: If I’m not mistaken if I’m not using PMI then it’s impossible to get meetingID. Am I right?

Hey @bartlomiej.buczek,

You can also get a meetingID once it starts via the Meeting Started webhook:

What is your use case so I can better understand what you are trying to do?
