Integrate Zoom to website

Hey @niranjan1,

Gallery view is available on the Client SDKs, and the Zoom App.


Hello please I need to hide the vConsole button that shows up on mobile when using zoom web sdk but have no idea how to do that, can someone help me with that?

hello @to is presenting the same error can you help me? sorry for my English

Hey @harley, @whitelab999,

Please create a new topic and fill out the post template so we have enough information to help. :slight_smile:


Hello, @tommy! How to integrate zoom in vue.js App? Maybe you have the Vue Web SDK Sample App? Thanks a lot!

Hey @irina.u ,

We do not have a Vue.js Sample App at this time, but we are working on one.

You can reference our Angular and React Sample Apps to get a close example:


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@tommy Hi, I want to embed a zoom conference in my react application, I found an example GitHub - zoom/meetingsdk-web-sample: Zoom Meeting SDK Web Sample App , but when trying to launch, I ran into the problem Error code 3707 The meeting number is not found.`

I read the forum and didnā€™t find specifics on this error, I launched the application, specified my sdk-key, launched signature-node there, too, specified my sdk-key and sdk-secret, everything works, but error 3707 constantly occurs, I donā€™t understand what went wrongā€¦

I also tried running a regular example and I see the same mistake there tooā€¦

Maybe something with my sdk-key?

Hoping to get an answer. Thank you in advance.

@ccrazyydave ,

Welcome to the community! Sorry to hear that you encounter the meeting number is not found error. Iā€™ve seen that error before when the meeting number is entered with additional spaces. Be sure the meeting number exists and there are no additional blank spaces.

Also, you may also want to reference our React Sample App as well. Here is a link to the repo:

Hi @donte.zoom
There was such a question, can I create the meeting number myself - randomly or do I need to generate it somehow initially?

I definitely tried similar examples 123456789, but then I accidentally stumbled upon the creation of a meeting in zoomā€™s personal account and there you can create your own unique number, but there it is created with spaces 850 7012 4999, I tried to use it, but without spaces 89022521856. In this case, I donā€™t see error 3707, but I get another error

error Code: 3712,
reason: "Signature is invalid.",

What should I do? the service that we are creating assumes that when you press the 1st button, a session for calling will be created, and now, as I understand, you need to do a lot of manipulations to get a meetingNumber, this is a little wrongā€¦

P.S. Now I have checked and I get error 3712 only on the localhost, if I upload it to the test site, then meeting opens

Sounds like you are leveraging your PMI, is that accurate?

The first Iā€™d check is if the signature is being correctly generated. You can do so by visiting to decode your signature. See the steps in the Using section for step-by-step instructions on decoding your signature :

Are you saying that the meeting opens on your site but not when testing with localhost? If so, is there any difference in how the signature is generated there ?