Integration of SDK in my App interface

“scripts”: {

"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",

"start": "set NODE_ENV=development && set BABEL_ENV=development && webpack-dev-server --config --https false --open http://localhost:3000/index.html --watch",

"https": "set NODE_ENV=development && set BABEL_ENV=development && webpack-dev-server --config --https true --open https://localhost:3000/index.html --watch"


instead of this script in pakage.jason
I want to configure over my interface for side bar having routes paths like as

const ZoomMeeting = React.lazy(() => import(’./views/zoommeeting/index.html’));

const routes = [
{ path: ‘/zoommeeting’, name: ‘Zoom Meeting’, component: ZoomMeeting, exact: true },

{ path: ‘/zoommeeting/index.html’, name: ‘Join Zoom Meeting’, component: ZoomMeeting }

export default routes;

kindly guide me how can i do?

This need a loader to upload index.html
I know the loader file
but how can i do over here?
const routes = [
{ path: ‘/zoommeeting’, name: ‘Zoom Meeting’, component: ZoomMeeting, exact: true },

{ path: ‘/zoommeeting/index.html’, name: ‘Join Zoom Meeting’, component: ZoomMeeting }

export default routes;

Hey @shujasahibzada,

Are you trying to display the Web SDK in a specific component? If so, the best way to do it right now is to hide and show it when you need to like in the Angular sample app:

Let me know if that helps! :slight_smile:


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