Invalid Access Token Error version 2

I am trying to use zoom API’s and facing an issue version 2 access. 

i am getting the response as {“code”:124,“message”:“Invalid access token.”}


PHP programming


Hi. I run into the same problem. Still don’t know how to fix this. My post placed right after your.

Hi Raj, 

We’ve reported this to our Engineers and we’re working on the fix right now.

how many days solve this problem?

JWT (JSON WEB TOKEN) is required for version 2 responce.

Because version 1 work fine. Version 1 get response without of jwt.

Hi Michael,

   Any solution version 2 access. Version 1 get response without of jwt. JWT (JSON WEB TOKEN) is required for version 2 responce.


Hi Raj, 

What APIs for version 2 are you trying to call?


We are getting

“code”: 124,
“message”: “Invalid access token.”

when trying to call the master account api’s using a JWT generated per your instructions here -


Calling the api’s keyed to the user work fine with the JWT generated.


Can you please provide a timeframe for when this will be fixed.

Hi Naomi, 

Do you have your own master account already setup within Zoom? Which Master account endpoint are you calling?


Hi Raj

We are using the owner account ID and trying to call the webinar list. Is this correct or is the master account ID found somewhere else? We are trying to call the webinar list view.

Hi Naomi, 

Do you have webinar enabled for your account? 

Hi Raj, yes

Hi Naomi. 

What is the email or account ID that you’re trying to use when accessing the webinar API?


Hi Naomi,

Can you paste the API request? i just tried with{user-id}/webinars with the account ID and it worked on our end. 


the issue is with the access token - can you provide email so I can send this direct to you rather than public post?

Hi Naomi, 

You can email us at
