iOS SDK运行demo [Process] kill() returned unexpected error 1

When I run the IOS demo and integration SDK into my own project, the console will continue to output [Process] kill() returned unexpected error 1
Which version?
The version of MobileRTC SDK I am using now is 4.4.56843.1110
To Reproduce(If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1、Use Xcode 11.2 ,iOS13.3

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • Device: iPhoneX
  • OS: iOS 13.3
  • Version 4.4.56843.1110

当我运行iOS的demo和集成SDK到自己的项目中,控制台会一直不断的输出 [Process] kill() returned unexpected error 1
Which version?
我现在用的MobileRTC SDK版本是 4.4.56843.1110
To Reproduce(If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1、使用Xcode 11.2 ,iOS13.3系统

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • Device: iPhoneX
  • OS: iOS 13.3
  • Version 4.4.56843.1110

Additional context

Hi liy

我们现在已经适配ios13 但是没有对xcode11 build做系统适配,你更换xcode10尝试下在控制台会不会输出这个错误,稍后我也会在xcode11 上检查是否有这个错误。