JavaScript heap out of memory on importing {ZoomMtg} from '@zoomus/websdk'

<--- Last few GCs --->

[7776:00000253E3251760]   241965 ms: Mark-sweep (reduce) 2043.5 (2051.1) -> 2043.1 (2054.4) MB, 2199.7 / 0.1 ms  (average mu = 0.123, current mu = 0.005) allocation failure scavenge might not succeed
[7776:00000253E3251760]   243808 ms: Mark-sweep (reduce) 2044.2 (2054.9) -> 2043.8 (2055.4) MB, 1838.4 / 0.1 ms  (average mu = 0.071, current mu = 0.003) allocation failure scavenge might not succeed

<--- JS stacktrace --->

FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
 1: 00007FF7C0F0046F napi_wrap+109311
 2: 00007FF7C0EA5156 v8::internal::OrderedHashTable<v8::internal::OrderedHashMap,2>::NumberOfElementsOffset+33302
 3: 00007FF7C0EA5F26 node::OnFatalError+294
 4: 00007FF7C1772B4E v8::Isolate::ReportExternalAllocationLimitReached+94
 5: 00007FF7C175792D v8::SharedArrayBuffer::Externalize+781
 6: 00007FF7C1601CCC v8::internal::Heap::EphemeronKeyWriteBarrierFromCode+1516
 7: 00007FF7C160D04A v8::internal::Heap::ProtectUnprotectedMemoryChunks+1258
 8: 00007FF7C160A1F9 v8::internal::Heap::PageFlagsAreConsistent+2457
 9: 00007FF7C15FEDE1 v8::internal::Heap::CollectGarbage+2033
10: 00007FF7C15FD005 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateExternalBackingStore+1317
11: 00007FF7C161D2A7 v8::internal::Factory::NewFillerObject+183
12: 00007FF7C134CC31 v8::internal::interpreter::JumpTableTargetOffsets::iterator::operator=+1409
13: 00007FF7C17FB50D v8::internal::SetupIsolateDelegate::SetupHeap+463949
14: 00007FF7C17FC3BD v8::internal::SetupIsolateDelegate::SetupHeap+467709
15: 00007FF7C184C07B v8::internal::SetupIsolateDelegate::SetupHeap+794555
16: 00007FF7C17EC302 v8::internal::SetupIsolateDelegate::SetupHeap+401986
17: 000002F07CE51020

On running my react app using npm start the development server crashes with the above error.
This however is not the case with Component View which runs perfectly fine.

Welcome, @akarshtripathi03,

Thank you for posting in the Zoom Developer Forum. In order to best support you, can you share the following details :


A clear and concise description of what the question is.

Browser Console Error

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Which Web Meeting SDK version?

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Meeting SDK Code Snippets

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To Reproduce(If applicable)

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to ‘…’

  2. Click on ‘…’

  3. Scroll down to ‘…’

  4. See error


If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Device (please complete the following information):

  • Device: [e.g. Macbook Pro]

  • OS: [e.g. macOS 11]

  • Browser: [e.g. Chrome]

  • Browser Version [e.g. 88.0.4324.150 (Official Build) (x86_64)]

Additional context

Add any other context about the problem here.

@akarshtripathi03 Please watch here all the WebSDK Integrations

  • Zoom Meeting SDK Integration with VueJS
  • Zoom Meeting SDK Integration with ReactJS
  • Zoom Meeting SDK Integration with AngularJS