Join without admit

Participant has to wait for host to admit him/her before participant can join the meeting. Is there anyway to just join without having to wait for host admits participant?
Thanks for help.

Which version?


I don’t want this dialog, I hope participants just join the meeting immediately.

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • Device: SAMSUNG GT-N7105
  • OS: Android
  • Version Android 7.1.2

Hi johntyty2,

Thanks for the post. You are seeing this because the waiting room feature has enabled(, if you disabled the waiting room, participants should be able to join the meeting immediately. To protect your meetings, it is recommended to have the waiting room feature on so that the host could control who could join the meeting. If you do not want it, you may disable it in the web portal.


Hi @carson.zoom how can we disable waiting room feature from the android sdk ?

Hi prabhakar.sharma,

You could disable the waiting room feature on the web portal, you may find more information in the support page:

Please note that using a waiting room would allow the host to filter out unexpected participants so please be aware of that before you disable it.
