JWT to generate access token ... PartnerCode?

Doing a quick test with php https://help.zoominfo.com/18440-partners/oauth2-token-authentication#troubleshooting-tips

To start, you will need your PartnerCode(PC, password, and, if you desire, the email assigned to your partnercode with ZoomInfo.

To request an access token based on your JWT.

Do we build our jwt using our app key/secret? Is PartnerCode = api key or some other value?

The return packet I get is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<TokenResponse xmlns="http://partnerapi.zoominfo.com/partnerapistatic/xsd/V1/TokenResponse.xsd">

{using api key/secret}

Hey @kchan, thanks for posting and using Zoom!

This forum is actually for zoom.us, not zoominfo.com.

Are you trying to integrate both zoom.us and zoominfo.com?


Sorry no, just confusion on my part. zoom.us only I guess. My path to look for info led there.

Hey @kchan,

Can I ask what you are trying to do?


Trying to develop a script to download a meeting.

Hey @kchan,

Are you trying to download a Zoom Meeting Recording?


Yes, automated via a script.

Hey @kchan,

You can use your Zoom JWT token to call the Get Meeting Recording endpoint:

GET https://api.zoom.us/v2/meetings/{meetingId}/recordings


   "Authorization": "Bearer JWT_TOKEN_HERE" 

Then download the recording via the download_url.

If you want it to be truly automated, you can subscribe to the Meeting Recording Webhook Completed, and then download the recording via the download_url.


Thanks Tommy. I’ll try that.


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Happy to help!

Let me know if you have additional questions! :slight_smile:


Will do. Thanks again.


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You are welcome! :slight_smile:
