Jwt Token Validation

refresh_token and acceess_token obtained from https://oauth.zoom.us upon successful OAuth flow contain signature that I am unable to validate. Please advise what secret I shall use to validate incoming tokens?

Thank you

Hey @k.krylov,

I am not sure what you mean by “validate incoming tokens”?

Can you please clarify or give an example?


I am getting the token however I don’t know it’s coming from you or from someone else in the middle. Just like you want the Client to sign the JWT with the secret i want to make sure that the token coming back from you is also valid otherwise why bother sending it in JWT format. The response asserts identity and yields sensitive data, considering that I am not in the environment with clean internet I would like to validate the token. It must be signed with a symmetric key and I need to know what it is.

Hey @k.krylov,

I am still confused.

Yes Zoom access_tokens are in a JWT format, but the access_tokens can only come from Zoom so no need to validate it.
