List channels endpoint for Account-Level App?

My team and I are trying to build a standup bot for Zoom chat. The functionality is pretty basic:

  • Admin installs bot for their team
  • Admin configures settings (including what channel standup responses should be pushed into)
  • End-user receives a direct message when it’s time to complete a standup

We’d like the admin to be able to configure the Zoom channel to push results into, but right now, this endpoint is only available for user-managed apps. This won’t work, as it creates way too many steps and requires each user to authenticate the Zoom application.

Is it possible to expand this API endpoint to Account-Level apps as well? We are really looking forward to submitting our app for the marketplace competition, but this issue is a non-starter.

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?

Which Endpoint/s?

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Hey @luke, thanks for posting and using Zoom!

We are releasing Account Level Chat and Channel endpoints soon. Stay updated here:

Until then, like you stated, you would need to have both a Chatbot app, and a User Level OAuth app to make this possible.


@tommy thanks!

Am I correct to assume this will be after the marketplace competition has ended? Was hoping to enter, but it seems too late.

Hey @luke,

The following will be released on the 22nd:

However, please still apply for the competition, even if you don’t have your Chatbot fully developed. :slight_smile:
